Beyond the Illusion

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about success—what it truly means for me, especially in today’s world. Should I keep chasing the dream of becoming a millionaire through content creation, allowing my creativity to take center stage? Should I stay locked in, refining my craft, perfecting my message, and reaching the people who are waiting to receive what I have to offer? Or should I be bracing for the inevitable collapse of a system that seems designed to keep most of us scrambling, while the top 1% remain untouched?

These are the questions that haunt me daily. My mind is constantly being pulled in different directions, making it hard to stay committed to just one path. People love to say, “You can’t be great at everything. Pick one thing, master it, and soar.” But I’ve never been a one-thing kind of person. I thrive in versatility—my thoughts, skills, and ideas all feel like intricate pieces of a larger puzzle. To ignore any of them would be to deny parts of myself. Everything I learn, whether now or in the future, will serve a purpose in shaping my journey.

It’s hard to know what to focus on. Everything I was taught growing up only applied to the carefully constructed facade I was raised in—a world that is now unraveling before my eyes. The curtain is slowly dropping, revealing the uncertain future of this nation. And I’ve come to realize that beyond chasing dreams or financial success, my true responsibility is self-preservation. That’s what’s really at risk.

Nothing happening now is new. These are just repeated cycles—patterns playing out on a screen that most people don’t even bother to watch. History holds the answers, but not just the history that fits neatly into a single narrative or culture. The real lessons lie in understanding how oppression functions, how systems are designed to keep people complacent, and, most importantly, how to break free—mentally, financially, and spiritually.

Still, the visions I have for my future seem so distant from where I am now. The steps required to bridge the gap feel overwhelming, and instead of taking things one at a time, I sometimes freeze—paralyzed by the weight of it all. But I made a promise to myself. This year, and in the years before, I vowed to overcome my fears. To bring my ideas to life. To finally manifest the moments that once flickered through my mind like lightning bolts of possibility.

And yet, as I work toward my own growth, I can’t ignore the suffocating weight of society’s struggles. It’s hard to stay in a space of awareness for too long without feeling drained. The fact that a convicted man with no real experience can be elected—not once, but twice—should be a wake-up call. On one hand, it’s proof that anything is possible. On the other, it’s a sobering reminder of just how skewed our values are as a society. It forces me to question: What do I truly stand for? What does my family, my community, and the world actually value?

Too many people walk through life unaware, lacking even the most basic knowledge of the world around them. They argue opinions that have no foundation, confidently dismissing facts they’ve never taken the time to research. The truth has always been in plain sight, but seeing it requires a willingness to step outside the illusion.

I feel like I was born for this exact moment in time. I don’t know when everything will hit the fan, but I do know that my mission is clear. In the meantime, I’ll consume everything that strengthens my survival—of myself, my family, and those who seek the same truth. And while I prepare for what’s coming, I’ll continue navigating the facade world long enough to secure financial relief—for now. Until the bottom drops from under us all.

Life feels like a never-ending balancing act—teetering between hope and dread, purpose and survival. It’s exhausting. But what else can we do besides keep going? If this is what they call living, then I’ll do it on my own terms.



One response to “Beyond the Illusion”

  1. I love this !!! And can relate in so many ways